Citizens’ initiative on UBI aims to strengthen EU unity Many European countries are debating the idea of a basic income, and a citizens’ initiative has now called on the European Commission to present a proposal for unconditional basic income throughout the bloc. The idea is to reduce regional differences, while strengthening economic and social cohesion across […]
Hello international UBI friends! We are happy to say that The Second Annual Basic Income March is scheduled this year for Sept. 19. With COVID-19 and social distancing requirements, Income Movement knows this year is going to look a little different than last year’s first Basic Income March. But having […]
This should be an overview of all petitions in Europe and beyond demanding some kind of income, Basic Income, Helicopter Money, Citizens Dividend, Corona Allowance, etc NOTE: many actions for a “basic income” are not about ‘Basic Income -UBI’ as referred below. They mostly have one or more conditions which […]
Europe is facing increasingly violent conflicts, both within EU countries and on the EU periphery. After six years of recession and four years of austerity imposed by the “troika” bringing record levels of poverty and unemployment, there were street battles involving militants of the far-right Golden Dawn party in Greece […]